Due to a rise in illness among students and staff, all schools in the New Madrid County R-1 School District will be closed on Friday, January 24, 2025. During this time, our custodial and maintenance teams will deep clean and sanitize all school buildings to help reduce the spread of illness and ensure a safe return for everyone. Additionally, all homecoming activities will be postponed, and a new schedule will be announced soon. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make these adjustments. At this time, we plan to reopen schools on Monday, January 27, 2025. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if anything changes. Thank you for your support as we work to keep our students, staff, and families healthy. We appreciate your understanding during this time.
about 2 months ago, NMCR1
Reminder NO School Friday November 1st Due to Professional Development. Students Return Monday November 4th.
4 months ago, NMCR1
pd day
Reminder: No school Monday October 14th in observance of Columbus Day.
5 months ago, NMCR1
columbus day
The internet issue has been located and vendors have completed all repairs. All building phones are now operational. Thank you for your patience
5 months ago, NMCR1
phone restored
We are currently experiencing an internet outage at all of our buildings. This has affected phones and faxes as well. We will update once the connection has been restored. Thank you for your understanding
5 months ago, NMCR1
internet outage
Thank you FFA for coming to read a book to Kindergarten, First grade, and Second grade!
6 months ago, Ashley Long
FFA students
5 students from 3rd-5th grade participated in the "Junior Chef" program with OPAA. They had so much fun making their cookie cups and more fun eating them! We can't wait to see what other fun things OPAA has planned each month!👩‍🍳🍪👨‍🍳
6 months ago, Ashley Long
Junior chef
Junior chef
Junior chef
Junior chef
Junior chef
Junior chef
🚨 Attention New Madrid County R1 Parents, Guardians, and Community Members 🚨 We are aware of a recent social media trend where students are using threats in an attempt to cancel school. Unfortunately, this trend has now reached New Madrid County R1 School District. While the threat has been determined to be unsubstantiated and part of the trend, please know that we are taking it seriously. The safety and security of our schools is always our top priority, and we have been in close contact with school leaders and law enforcement to ensure a safe environment for all. 👉 Important Information: • The school week will proceed as usual, with increased law enforcement presence and continued vigilance. • The investigation is ongoing, and there will be consequences for anyone participating in this trend. • We urge parents to remind their children not to repost or spread threatening messages online. Together, we can ensure a safe and secure space where our students can learn and grow. Let’s stay #EagleStrong and work together to protect our community. 🦅💪
6 months ago, NMCR1
Reminder: NMCR1 schools will not be in session on Monday September 2nd in observance of Labor Day
7 months ago, NMCR1
Labor Day photo
EAGLE NATION we’re going back… to back… to back to the Final Four! NMCC wins 70-38 to advance to the State Semi-Finals! The Eagles will play the winner of Thayer/Greenwood on Friday, March 8th, at 6:00pm for a chance to advance to the State Championship! NMCR1 WILL NOT BE IN SESSION ON FRIDAY MARCH 8th. More details will be shared as we get them! GO EAGLES!
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
final 4 bound
Kingston score
We are Hiring for the 24-25 School Year! Visit https://www.nmceaglenation.com/page/apply-with-us for more information
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
NMCR1 job vacancies
The students in Mrs. Copeland’s class used Oreos to show the different phases of the moon.  The kids loved this delicious activity!
about 1 year ago, Ashley Long
Students doing a moon phase project
Students doing a moon phase project
Students doing a moon phase project
Students doing a moon phase project
Students doing a moon phase project
Due to continued roads conditions in several towns and throughout the county NMCR1 will not be in session on Friday January 19th. 🦅🦅 Something short and simple
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
no school snow
Due to roads conditions in several towns and throughout the county plus the winter weather advisory that has been issued for Thursday. NMCR1 will not be in session on Thursday January 18th.
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
no school snow
Due to roads conditions in several towns and throughout the county NMCR1 will not be in session on Wednesday January 17th
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
no school snow
NMCR1 will not be in session on Tuesday January 16th
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
no school snowing
Reminder! All NMCR1 classes resume Tuesday January 9th, 2024! Monday January 8th will be a teacher inservice day.
about 1 year ago, NMCR1
1st Quarter Honor Roll with Distinction students! Keep up the hard work! We are so proud of you!
over 1 year ago, Ashley Long
1st Quarter Honor Roll with Distinction students
1st Quarter Honor Roll with Distinction students
1st Quarter Honor Roll with Distinction students
1st Quarter Honor Roll students! Keep up the hard work! We are so proud of you!
over 1 year ago, Ashley Long
1st Quarter Honor Roll students
1st Quarter Honor Roll students
1st Quarter Honor Roll students
1st Quarter Perfect Attendance students!
over 1 year ago, Ashley Long
Perfect Attendance students
Perfect Attendance students