Welcome Back to School  Image

Hello Parents & Students :  

We could not be more excited to see you!  We are looking forward to a great school year and with school starting soon, we wanted to share some important dates and information to remember. 

Registration Reminder

All students must complete the yearly online registration before the first day of school, Monday, August 22 2022. 

Enrollment information may be found by visiting school website

  1. Select the Parents tab, 

  2. Select Student enrollment, 

  3. Select Register your student for school and follow prompts.  

You may, also, call the school for any additional information or support you may need (573)688-2161.  For all new student(s) enrollments parents must contact the school office before registering your child. 

Parking Changes

NEW THIS YEAR-  All students that plan on driving to school will be picking out a parking spot and it will be assigned to them for the remainder of the school year.  You will need to have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and registration of your vehicle.  All students must be able to provide this documentation to drive and park on school property.  All student drivers must register with the high school office to drive and park on campus.  Registration forms may be found in the high school office or by going to the following link https://5il.co/1ej3r 

  • Seniors can select their spot on August 8th or August 9th between 9:00am-2:00pm. Students that have academically placed in the top 10 percent of their class at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 school year  will get to select their parking spot first (we will be contacting you soon).  All other spots will be selected first come first served between the hours listed above. 

  • Juniors can select their spot on August 10th or August 11th between 9:00am-2:00pm.  All spots selected will be first come first served.  

All other students or any student that is unable to attend the dates above may select their parking spots on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 during the Eagle Open House.

Eagle Open House

On Tuesday, August 16th, New Madrid County Central High School will have an Eagle Open House for those that need to complete the online enrollment/registration from 4:00pm– 7:00pm in the  high school commons. 

During this time, chrome books, ID badges and schedules will be handed out to each student once registration is completed. If you did not turn in your Chromebook last year you will not receive a new one at that time.  

Freshman orientation will be from 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the auditorium. Please enter through the North lobby. A tour and school with student pictures to follow.

All students will have the opportunity for Cheekwood Studios to take student pictures (senior composite pictures will be taken at a separate time). They are offering more packages at a cheaper prices.  Pictures will be taken from 5:00pm - 7:00pm in the commons.   Pictures packets will be mailed home on August 1, 2022.   Extra packets will be available in the office.  

Counselor Information

Counselors will be back in their offices on Monday, August 8th to adjust schedules as needed. You may reach them by email at the following addresses or by calling: 

• Mrs. Rae Jean Haines (9th & 10th grade) e: rhaines@nmcr1.org  P: 573-688-2161 ext. 1120

• Mrs. Dallas Allen (11th & 12th grade) e: dallen@nmcr1.org  P:  573-688-2161 ext. 1119

Technical Skills

The Technical Skills Center (TSC) teachers will be present and in their classrooms during open house. Please feel free to visit with those teachers for any questions about their programs. 

New APP Information

Don't forget to download our new New Madrid County R1 School District App from your apple app or google play store for up-to-date information.  You don't want to miss out on the most up to date Eagle Information and News!! 

How to find?  

Go to the the apple app store or the google play store on your hand held device and search New Madrid County R-1 


Select the following link for a QR code that will take you to the new app: https://5il.co/1eit4 

We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon! 


Justin Poley


New Madrid Central High School